Friday, April 19, 2019

Criminals are in the White House (#3731)

     They may not be convicted as yet but by their very acts and deeds their guilt is obvious. What is perplexing is that we don't have a check on them since the republicans control the Senate and are as corrupt as the trumps. The House, controlled by democrats, is trying to find its way to end the reign of trumps but as of yet are not there yet. We aren't even talking about an election ending the trumps, we are talking about impeachment and/or criminal prosecution. The endless, and I mean endless violations of the public trust and the rule of law by trumps and their hideous republican enablers has all of us worn out from its now normal occurrences.
     Yet we are keeping track of all the wrongs perpetrated by the criminals in the White House and republican Senate, and the time for their reckoning is sooner than later. How republicans and trumps specifically thought that they could muscle their way past our criminal justice system is ballsy to say the least. Yet they do not get that our criminal justice system will not break although they have put a bend in it. This is not the land of Russia where the will of the people is not protected by democratic values. No, this is America where the brave have fought and died for an egalitarian constitution that is ever evolving toward social justice and opportunity for all.
     In Russia the president there can change the laws and practice brutality to consolidate his power without compromising his stature. In America the trumps long for such a paradigm where they are the law and we are their servants. The hijacking of our White House by the thieves and liars who now reside there is almost unimaginable yet it has happened. What we learned yesterday from the heavily redacted Mueller report is enough to sicken our citizenry with disgust and if truth be told the redacted part has to be much more than sickening, it must be the epitome of power gone amok and the trumps involved in all of it. That trump says he didn't remember as an answer to many of the written Mueller questions,, is just the beginning of knowing how far trumps and Senate republicans will go to protect their stolen power.

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