Sunday, April 14, 2019

When will we humans stop being stupid? (#3726)

     I get so tired sometimes from all the constant stupid behaviors we humans cannot escape. I mean it isn't hard to know we are doing stupid things just look at how we treat each other and our planet. The time will eventually come when the stupid becomes the exception and not the rule but until then it is the rule and not the exception. My soul is weary from the constant barrage of shame and embarrassment that our species actuates in just about every area of life. I earlier in my life was so full of hope and brimming with confidence that the intelligence and courage of our species would lead us to greater advances than those we had already achieved. Yet currently I am only hopeful that we don't kill ourselves and our planet with every stupid thing we keep doing.
     I am not quitting on life but I am tiring of the battle to keep inexcusable insanity from being our legacy. That we have to fight against the worst of ideas and policies while destroying the good we have already achieved is so discouraging to me. My life here on this planet should have been one where we helped lead all of us to dismantling the scourge of antiquity and continuing the modern growth and ideals of democracy and equality. Progress should have been our motto, not regressive cowardice and fear. To be bold is not an exception either, it is the rule yet we human beings are not ready yet to embrace what is best about us because we cannot let go of what is worst about us.
      I fear that stupidity is going to be our legacy in the end and for that to happen when all we needed to do was to say enough with being scared is pathetic. We humans may be the most advanced biological species existence has ever evolved but we obviously as a species are not ready to live like it. It seems we are better suited to being led around as a herd for no practical purpose instead of forming great thoughts and policies with innovation and determination. For all the enlightened advantages our species has evolved toward our handling of it is pitiful and not worthy of anything amazing. The potential is there waiting for us to just grasp with an ounce of courage but until we do the time and place of our possibilities keep slipping further and further away from reality.

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