Saturday, April 13, 2019

If we do not defeat trumps and his acolytes then we deserve to lose our democracy! (#3725)

     I am as passionate about politics now as I was when I was 15 and a member of my high school student council. Even though I couldn't vote in any public election until I was 18 I still advocated for the candidates that tried to represent all of our citizenry and pushed policies that reflected that. When I got to vote I voted in every election for the party that stood by the working middle poor class. I am a member of that class and as such know much about how we are being systematically reduced in stature compared to the rich and powerful. Our society is one where all can work to make something wonderful of themselves but not when the the work is made almost impossible through privilege and advantage techniques.
     The further along in my life I had come the farther apart the republicans and democrats became. I suppose it was happening well before I was born with the first half of the 1900's a battlefield between the democrats who wanted everyone to have a real shot at their dreams and the republicans who hate sharing power with the dirty masses. Well over the last 50 years there has not been one republican candidate I could vote for because not one republican candidate felt the need to represent all of America. So my voting has been consistent and steady for every democrat on the ballot. Yet if a republican actually stood up and proclaimed they would fight for the working middle poor class then they would have a real shot at getting my vote.
     As we are where we are today, the idea of a republican candidate fighting for the working middle poor class is unimaginable. Many republicans have said they would but they never fought or produced legislation that proved that. We had trump in 2016 parroting many democratic policies in his campaign and then turned out to be a traitor to those policies. I learned long ago that words are just a beginning to the debate. The actions before, during and after the words are what count. As we have seen once again the republican party does not care for the working middle poor class and even worse they are trying to prohibit many of us from voting. So the next time your precious duty to vote is allowed remember who is fighting for you and who is fighting for themselves. I shouldn't have to identify which party is which at this point any longer.

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