Wednesday, February 20, 2019

If trump is denying it you can bet the allegation is true (#3673)

     Rule of thumb, or as it is better understood, follow this advice because it is as factual as can be. When trump goes into full denial mode you can go down and find someone, anyone who would bet you about trump's denial and you can be a winner. The one constant in trump's appearance on the public stage is that when he goes into denial it is because the truth is being told. He didn't have a meeting with Russians and then he did, He didn't want to build a hotel in Moscow and then we find out he did want to build a hotel in Moscow. He didn't collude with Russia in the 2016 election and well you know how that is going. Anyway, the point here is that trump denials are like a gold mine to those who know when to make a bet.
     Usually, and under normal circumstances when someone denies something it should be because it isn't true. But as trump defines denial it is a way of avoiding the truth for however long he needs to get out from under the truth in anyway he can. Lying as a form of defense is not new nor shocking. Yet when trump lies it is because he is caught and not because he is protecting some greater good. Now I know many of his cult followers believe that "if" he has to lie it is because of a greater good. But that is based upon their belief that he is humanly infallible. They don't see him as a normal person who is afflicted with many pernicious behaviors when unchecked, no, they believe he is reincarnate of some worshipped deity they must follow no matter what.
     Well the rest of us are not afflicted with the cult followers need to believe in something because they quit or never could grasp the concept of logic and common sense. So believing in something, even anything is better for them as they see it than facing reality and it's natural existence. It is worse than a form of brainwashing for them it is a purpose for life to be the servants of trump regardless of behavior or outcome. To reason, analyze and then conclude is for those losers who cannot understand the power that trump gives them. It is all encompassing and for that privilege they give trump every benefit of the doubt even up until their own demise. So trump's denials are all they need to hear in order to know "their" truth, unlike the rest of us who can bank on it always being a lie.

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