Friday, February 15, 2019

Waiting for the other shoe to drop (#3668)

     Well if anyone thought this Friday was going to be a slow day they are going to be in for a surprise. The trumps are going to declare a national emergency so that trump can build a legacy in the shape of a racist wall along our southern border. He decided to declare an emergency not because it is an actual emergency but because he had no other way of getting funds for his campaign promise that he made well over 2 years ago. Although, he did say Mexico would pay for it back then. But now as a strategy he is going to declare a state of emergency out of thin air just so he can get what most Americans don't want. It is obvious to those of us with an ounce of objectivity that this is trump throwing his final tantrum and his hail mary bomb.
     So today will show us just how badly he wants this wall and it will also show us just how strongly the majority of us are against it. I carried a placard I made at home to the Women's march this last January 19th that read, NO WALL NO WAY.  So this will be the final test of whether the conviction of that placard will prevail or if it was all for nothing. We democrats already have defenses for the coming trump declaration and are poised to enact those varied defenses when trump opens his mouth and spews out his demand. Let me say here that spending months on deciding whether to declare an emergency is eye opening in that the definition of an emergency is something of an in the moment desperation, not a long drawn out calculation to subvert the give and take of our democracy.
     When trump had both houses of Congress for 2 years he wasn't able to convince his own party to build his wall and now that he has lost one of the houses of Congress and has been told unequivocally that he cannot build his vanity wall he now sees the need to make up an emergency that doesn't exist, This wall that only trumps see as an emergency is not even the recommendation of experts who study migration at our southern border, So sit back today and watch the fireworks on trumps strategy to upend our democracy but by all means don't lose sight of the looming weekend.

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