Saturday, February 16, 2019

There is a war going on about climate right now! (#3669)

     Those who don't care what the future brings because they will be long gone from life are the ones who are putting up the biggest obstacle to cleaning up our planet's future. Those of us who care about what happens to the planet long after we are gone are the ones who are fighting against them. This is not a drill it is happening in real time right now! So make up your mind what is important to you. Roll your sleeves up to either fight to destroy the planet as long as you profit from it or fight to stop those greedy assholes from killing off the only planet our species can survive on. You decide what kind of human being you are because not making a choice is as much fighting for those who are destroying our planet as those who are actively trying to do so.
     The wealthy in the oil and gas industries had their chance to reconfigure their industries over to planet friendly enterprises but instead chose to keep the toxic profits they were accustomed to instead of being a better human being. So they have long ago been fighting to destroy our planet and those who are just now realizing that common sense and logic are not going to save them are being shocked into this reality. There are no governmental mechanisms in place to protect the sanity of rationalization, instead there are only greedy republican politicians who are well honed to being bribed for their allegiance to the death of our planet. You make think me being melodramatic yet I would say that the evidence is not on your side.
     We, our society, has known about the effects of climate change for many decades and yet we were not able to change our policies due to obstruction from dirty energy and it's protectors, Yet not all is lost yet despite the desperation we are now all in. There are still those deniers out there trying to downplay the devastation coming due to climate change and there are still those out there who don't want to believe it despite all the facts and truths laid bare. If we do not end the republican reign of dominance in our politics we are going to lose our planet. That is a fact and if you have any fight in you for the future of our children and their children now is the time to get angry and join the fight to save our planet. You with the rest of us?

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