Sunday, February 24, 2019

The right wing is drumming up violence (#3677)

     With the latest nra magazine post showing "Target Practice" with democratic politicians in the same picture and the recent roger stone pic of cross hairs in the same picture with his sentencing judge there can be little doubt that an agenda of violence and fear mongering is being utilized against those of us who keep faith with the rule of law. This tactic of suggestive assassination is now more than just an innocent "excuse me". No sorry is acceptable when the whole purpose of the dog whistle is to fill the minds of the craziest among the right wing fraternity to kill or maim. The message has been sent. Now we wait and see if the bait is bitten by the the most demented among the followers of trump.
     I cannot exaggerate my disdain and outright anger at the stone and nra episodes to commit murder. There is no doubt in my mind that the intent by both stone and the nra is to end life with their communiques. This is the nature of republican politics at the moment. They have no policy agenda that is approved by the American electorate so their attempt to hold onto power is to wipe out the competition and instill fear into those who would challenge them. This is putinesque and if anyone with half a brain like me can see it then it shouldn't be hard for anyone else to draw the same conclusion.
     Everything republicans are doing now is to take our eye off their acts currently being investigated and discussed. The more the chaos the better it is for republicans. We have to wait almost 2 years before we can do our cyclical regime change process so in the meantime the republican party will do everything in it's power to destroy the calm and peace of thoughtful deliberation and replace it with the bombastic narrative of fear and untruthful blaming. Add to that now the seeds being sowed for a call to arms for the craziest among us and the next war trump has been trying to start overseas as a distraction, many well be instigated right within our own borders. We must shut down this republican attempt at calling to arms for assassination in its infancy right now and put our boots on the necks of those who are masterminding it!

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