Thursday, February 21, 2019

Real simple folks, just vote for the democrat everywhere! (#3674)

     The disinformation machine of the republican far right is going full blast now that it is early in the election cycle. They are coming for everyone who is a democrat because they fear that trump and his republican enablers in Congress are going to lose in 2020. Right now their messaging is generalized and scatter shot but as we close in on the actual voting period it will get more specific and sensationalized. I do myself a favor and don't watch news specifically on television or radio because it is where the worst of the lies about democrats are disseminated. I get my news from trusted sources on the Internet where the vetting out of propaganda is priority number one.
     However this is all going to play out there is a simple way of dealing with it. I ignore most all of it and just know that when the ballot shows up at my door I will vote for every democrat on it. Regardless of who is running. Yes, if they are running as a democrat they will get my vote over anyone else who has filed to run as a republican or independent. So all the disinformation in the world will do the republican party no good in my world. Now others are not so attuned to their strategy of lies so they will be effected by the advertising and there is nothing I can do about that but tell them that it is all just a bunch of lies coming from the worst political party to have ever campaigned in American politics.
     In some ways I hope our democratic party has a march every 3 months or so just so we can destroy the ongoing narratives that republicans are trying to advance. We democrats are on the correct side of our democracy and nothing republicans can do will ever change that. The republican party choose its path of treason, hatred and lies and that is what they will campaign on. On the other hand we democrats have chosen democracy and the equality of opportunity that affords. We want all to have a fighting chance at the American dream of happiness and its pursuit. We democrats respect the lives of our human race and have no time for the division of peoples based upon privilege and advantage. We earn our respect by respecting others, without a caveat to differences. It's real simple folks, ignore the republican attacks and just vote for the democrat everywhere.

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