Friday, February 1, 2019

The blue wave is still riding high (#3654)

     Let us not become so blinded by our squabbles and disagreements within the democratic party that we lose focus on the big picture. Surely the small pictures all around us are just as important like all details should be but even when we are not happily wedded to different perspectives we are still fighting a greater evil. So if one set of rules goes against my wishes I will not take my vote from democrats and give it to republicans. Much like not liking a penalty on the sports field of play does not make me want to join the other team. If anything it makes me work and fight harder the next time I get a chance to change those specific rules. Take the 19th amendment for instance. Women fought for decades to get the right to vote but didn't throw in the towel and quit on this democratic policy just because it didn't happen the first or second time they tried.
     We have to be bigger than our fine tunings to our party. I want the most fair and open party that could be possible and it seems that some of our people are not wholly on board with that. But regardless we are still moving forward and progress in many areas is being made. Much like the failure of the Electoral College to prevent trump from being appointed president, the time for it's change is now clear. However it will take some time to get rid of this ancient paternal manipulation. What I am trying to say here is that the main goal outside all of our posturing is to end the reign of trumps and republicans before they get us into such a mess that we cannot save ourselves from them. So no squabbling on minor issues as if they were the only issue when the real threat is still the major one of republican rule.
     If we learned anything from the last 2 years and in this last election it is that we democrats are now aware and taking notice of the corruption and dishonesty the republican party has and is heaping upon us the working middle poor class. So as we filter through our own particulars as to how we define our policies and implement them we must never lose sight of the blue wave that got us here. We are a huge political party and the effort to make it perfect is a time consuming one that will not happen in concert with my timing or the timing of anyone else. We will get there and be better for it but not if we quit on the effort before realizing the greater success.

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