Friday, February 22, 2019

The cruel republican American (#3675)

     Not only are republicans by choice cruel they are manifestly ignorant to what their effects cause. They have no forethought as a guide unless they somehow benefit personally from it. They see our planet and the life on it as an opportunity to enrich themselves. I know this sounds rather harsh and many republicans are not as extreme as I portray, however through their continuing support of the republican party they are enabling the very definition I give to them. So being a second hand accomplice in the manipulation of our existence is still the same as being the first hand culprit.
     The idea that the innocence of not knowing or the innocence of unbelief are justified excuses to their behavior is a slap in the face to those of us who fight with logic and common sense for justice. While republicans dodge their responsibilities to all of life and our planet, they continue to profit from their greedy choices. I will not allow them that dishonesty of being dodgy about their corruption while profiting at the same time. It is a con and we the American voting public are tired and worn out by it. There has to come a time when the punishment for crimes against all of humanity are paid in full with a severe just response.
     Every day I see in the news that some republican has some selfish excuse for why they attack our democracy and why they defend the destruction of the democracy that gave them the power to do better under democracy. The baffling part is that they have their leg up in society and yet do not want others to have the same. I see this in the republican party as a general and specific rule. The worst of our society in the form of damaged souls now lead the republican party and all its power structures. So for anyone to claim that they are just being loyal to their past affiliations with republicanism are missing the point. Their old republican party died 50 years ago and what they are loyal to now is the hijacked carcass of that death!

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