Monday, February 4, 2019

Federal Minimum Wage is still $7.25 an hour (#3657)

     There are even republicans out there calling for the lowering of the federal minimum wage, they think it is too high. As if $7.25 an hour is theft from their pockets. Can you feel their condescension burrowing into your brain when in their presence? As if you should be grateful just for the privilege of having a job with them. 10 years now the minimum wage has been at $7.25 an hour,, and there is zero hope of raising it with republicans controlling too much of our national government. Now the States have begun raising their minimum wages to reflect a little more fairness but that is only for those in those states.
     Think about that for a moment. There has been a 19.51% rate of inflation over the last 10 years,,. So everything costs approximately 20% more than it did in 2009, but republicans don't care. They obviously think that having much less buying power over that time for our most vulnerable workers is agreeable while any kind of raise in the minimum wage would be an unjustifiable affront to the bottom line of their wealthy donors, whom now enjoy the greatest gap in income inequality our nation has ever seen, We are only talking about a couple of million workers whose wages are at or below the minimum wage. Yet there are many more millions who are not much above the current minimum wage who would see a rise in their pay per hour if the federal minimum wage were raised.
     We can thank every republican who has held office over the last 10 years for doing absolutely nothing to increase wages for our most vulnerable class of worker. Do not be fooled by their argument that minimum wage jobs are filled by teenagers just starting out. Only 12% of minimum wage workers are under 20 years of age. The average age for all minimum wage workers is 35 years old and 27% of them have children, 2018 was a good start toward electing democrats over republicans and the job isn't finished yet until we can remove all republicans everywhere so that issues like minimum wages are addressed and corrected to give a living wage for hard working Americans.

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