Saturday, February 2, 2019

The party of death for most are republicans (#3655)

     The republican party has always been an evil party of men and some women who thought and continue to think that they are better than others based upon nothing of value. They are those who belittle others without ever having walked in their shoes. Sometimes I wonder about their genetics. How is it possible given the parameters of life that these people think themselves a greater value than someone they know nothing about? They think without giving a counterweight to their own advantages in life or the privileges they were afforded. They expect that most everyone has had the same luxuries that they have had and wonder why they didn't do better by them.
     It is like they were taught to be condescending without ever taking the time to evaluate their perspective with proofs. They take the easy road of convenient belief over science and nature. It is a weakening of spirit that they reinforce through bullying and cruelty. The republican party has become synonymous with the pampered and the cowardly. How any correct minded soul could find solace in piling on hurt to people without first finding answers to the hurt people were already feeling is baffling to me. But like republicans who cannot dazzle with brilliance, they instead baffle with bullshit. Life is not that hard to figure out. Some 26 people own more resources that 3.8 billion souls, The income inequality gap is perfect to highlight that the wealthy don't care about our species as much as they care about their own wallets and purses.
     Granted, there are some democrats among the super wealthy but unlike the republican ones they are not trying to make things even worse for the rest of us. They accept that there is a problem and that some form of income redistribution must occur but sadly they are not the ones who are leading on this as they should. Wealth is like a disease in that it makes a wealthy soul immune to the trappings of personal poverty. There is nothing coming from republicans that would build a just and fair world order and in fact republicans are the ones who are destabilizing areas of our world in order to increase their wealth. The only thing the rest of us can do is to remove republicans from political office and then vote to change the dynamics of economics in order to stop the madness of the growing inequality gap. Only then can the party of a fair and just life, we democrats, begin to lift up all Americans and the world at large to a proper society of humans to advance interaction and development.

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