Monday, February 11, 2019

trump is lazy and a liar (#3664)

     With his purported, I don't subscribe so I get it second hand, tweets this morning claiming he is neither lazy nor a liar, we can automatically presume he is both. Because if there is one thing we know about trump is his first act whenever called out for something is to deny it then later when it is proven he is in fact guilty of lying he lies again. The lazy part is simple. the leaked schedule of his business at doing nothing has been exposed so what does he do? He denies it. trump is as predictable as the sun rising in the east. He will never admit to making a mistake nor to being less than the most perfect human who has ever existed. We can count on these things as if they are absolute.
     I would go a step further and expect him to say that he either isn't stupid or the opposite, the smartest man who ever lived in his next tweet but I haven't heard anyone say that he has done so...yet. But it would be right in line with his hollow character. You really have to admire our democracy even though trump is trying like all hell to destroy it that he is still breathing air on top of the dirt. We as a nation don't go for that overthrow paradigm when an appointed leader shows that he is less human than many animals. Instead we work the laws of our constitution to protect ourselves from him. It may not be easy on the majority of us but we know that our system of government is still stronger than those who would rip it to shreds.
     So another week is coming with the man/child bully in charge of what had been a greater democracy before his arrival. We will see what disruptions trump will cause and what response we have to them just like all the weeks past that he has stirred his decayed formula for lessening our society. We now have the House of Representatives to rebut his previously unobstructed path of ruination so instead of fearing his wrath on us we now have a barricade and an attack mechanism that will begin to turn the fight back at trump and his enablers. Most of whom reside in the republican party and the ranks of the wealthy. The end of trumps, his minions and his puppet masters is now a reasonable expectation and although it will be tough it is certainly not outside our ability to achieve.

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