Friday, February 8, 2019

Support for trumps is waning (#3661)

     We are finally seeing the downfall begin for trump. Most of us who have been against him since the beginning of his run for president knew he was a carnival barker looking to grift the next dupe. Well although most of us were aware of this his followers were not so inclined to believe their eyes and ears. They held onto him as some sort of savior of not only their jobs and white heritage but of their definition of morality that they put their blind faith into because the "christian" religion is easier to believe than facts. But now we see the effects of trump's tax cuts and how they are not immune to giving up their traditionally profitable tax returns for the sake of the wealthy getting more of their money. This is akin to a betrayal for them and they are now realizing that they may well have been taken in by the chief grifter.
     It is hard feeling sorry for them at all because they were warned by not only the majority of Americans, scholars and economics experts but by the facts if they had chosen to do just a little bit of fact checking. Be that as it may however, they are now awakening to the betrayal and are none to happy about it,  The rest of us have been preparing as best we could for this tax season because we didn't want to get caught off guard like these trump supporters. But their pain is just rewards for them because every decision we make has a cause and effect quotient and their effect is allowing them to awaken to the huckster trump.
     So not only are the trump supporters who are being charged higher taxes upset with him but those who thought he would get his demand for the wall by shutting down the government are sorely disappointed. The State of the Union speech of trump which was loaded with rhetoric without a plan seemed to have assuaged some of his supporters but even that is waning as time is showing that his speech was nothing much more than whining and complaining. The only way forward for trump is to keep up his attacks on democratic institutions that are investigating him and to threaten all of us who would question his ego driven authority. How much more his supporters can take of this will be played out in the next many months but I am of the opinion he is well on the way down the slippery slope to irrelevance he created all for himself.

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