Monday, February 18, 2019

Presidents day, a day of protest of the appointed one (#3671)

     This may be a federal holiday today but it isn't going to play out like one. Instead there are going to be protests all over the country of trump and his fake national emergency to get money for his wall from the military budget. It is a scam just like everything else trump does so he isn't fooling anyone with an IQ over 100. Yet there are plenty out there with an IQ under 100 who believe everything he says as a sort of bastardized biblical gospel. That his hard core base couldn't figure out that after declaring a national emergency he went and spent the weekend playing golf might be a clue that he was hustling again is proof of their inability to be intelligent.
     There is another possibility though that has little to do with intelligence and more to do with treason so that cannot be ruled out as a reason for their blind support. They may feel that no matter what trump does, regardless of a constitutional impediment, he is right no matter what. So if supporting a foreign government over our American one gets them the outcome they seek then that is what they will support. I gather from my own observation that there is a mixture of both of these scenarios playing out in the hard core base of trump, stupidity and treason. So today our opposition to trump and all that support him is on display.
     I would be out there in the streets today but I had already scheduled a dental appointment weeks back so this mid morning I will be in a dental chair listening to something similar to trump's voice, a dreaded high pitched whirring sound instead. At least that is what I am told since I do not listen to him speak under any occasion. The other presidents in our more modern era have their faults and some much more than others but none of them except nixon and bush the younger rise to the level of the incompetence and harmful psychological disarray as trump. So there will be no including him in any pause in my day to reflect on our past presidents. Instead I will be keeping my daily vigil on the Internet, assuming the dental appointment doesn't kill me lol, sharing every trump protesting event that crosses my path.

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