Wednesday, February 6, 2019

House Intelligence Committee gets started today (#3659)

     What a lot of us have been waiting for is our new majority democratic house intelligence committee starting its work. For the last 8 years to say that there was much of any intelligence on the republican majority house intelligence committee would have been being generous. They shamed our nation with their incoherent attacks on democratic politicians and candidates without much of a whisper of a crime. The intent of the intel committee under republicans was to use it as a weapon to disparage anyone who would call republicans out for their treasonous, cruel and hateful actions. Well the worm has turned now and all that deception and sweeping under the rug dishonesty by republicans will now get a hearing in the light of day.
     This truly is the beginning of our democracy taking back it's place as the highest priority in the America. No more sacrifices in the name of capitalism. Capitalism is a subset of democracy, not the other way around! Economics has to work for all of our citizens not just those who can buy the privilege and advantage of opportunity. With democracy now being the focal point of our investigations the corruption of republicans will be easy to spot. For they cared not a whit about the effect their deeds had on the majority of hard working Americans and instead sought only to gain wealth in increasing numbers for their donors and conspirators. The task next for our new committee is to bring in those who have already made the grave mistake of lying to the previous committee and then make them confess their perjury.
     Along with subpoena power the Intel committee will also be able to compel those previous lying committee witnesses to offer up their accomplices. With the Mueller investigation working in concert with the Intel committee in their information gathering duties the clarity of all the trump and republican duplicity will come to light. So today is the day when the wheels start to move on the committee vehicle heading toward the end of trumps and his republican acolytes. A beautiful day today is and the future is looking brighter now from when our country was hijacked through the most dishonest of policies from republicans. My heart is happier now than it has been over the last several years. November 8th 2018 was the beginning of this process and now today we get started with the real gritty work to come.

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