Sunday, February 17, 2019

No days off with trump (#3670)

     We will have to wait for either Bob Mueller to charge and prove trump for a removable crime or wait until his first term is up to get rid of him. In the meantime trump is never ending in his assault on our democracy and our decency. It isn't like there is a lull in time with him as he is relentless in his hatred for most Americans. So although luckily we are still all alive and well into his third of four years we must never stop being vigilant to his every move. The harder we make it for him to succeed in his strategy to denigrate the working middle poor class the better we will be when he is finally gone. He will be gone there is no doubt with me.
     It may seem like he has some momentum in his quest to be a second term president but it isn't real and only his ego, imagination and those disingenuous around him tell him so. So on Tuesday, November 3rd, 2020 we can finally vote him out and then survive his final 78 days as a lame duck president, sans Mueller. In 625 days from today we will know the results of the 2020 election, as well as in 703 days from today, on January 20, 2021, we will have a newly sworn in president. However, until then every day that he is our appointed president he has shown that he will do everything in his power to crush our resistance to him. He is an ego driven destroyer of democracy and has ambitions to become a destroyer of Earth.
     How civilized our citizenry have become on the democratic side of politics. I know the republicans are much more capable of civil disruption on an extra legal scale since all recent mass shootings in America have come from right wing fanatics. Yet instead of vigilante justice we have to muster our will to combat the extra constitutional lengths trump is more than willing to illegally go. He has calculated that his majority republican supreme court will not follow the constitution when it comes to him and instead cower to his demands. That fight has yet to be fought but the odds of him brow beating the cowardly Supreme Court republicans to kneel before his demands is still an open question and not one that can be readily answered. Such is the nature of cowards they remain silent before they betray not only our citizenry but our beloved national constitution.

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