Sunday, February 3, 2019

Health insurers and big pharma, enemies of the people (#3656)

     To know how powerful the health industry for profit part of health care just look at the politicians they have under their control. Much like the nra, they seem to have so much power that few will veer from their talking points. Mainly that a Medicare for all or a Universal health care paradigm cannot be achieved. Despite all evidence to the contrary by the way. More than half the civilized world has some form of universal health care. Yet the beholden politicians to the for profit health industry would sell their souls to make the rest of us believe that it is impossible to have what less powerful nations on Earth have had for decades.
     The line I heard from michael bloomberg that we as a nation couldn't afford it and it would bankrupt us is hilarious yet not one bit funny, The depth of the deception that will be deployed by the lackeys of for profit health care will be astounding. We will even see some democrats use the same wrong arguments in their attempt to shoe horn themselves into a more central position on health care. Which is exactly the wrong thing to do on this subject. For one thing it isn't a neutral policy choice. the vast amount of people who could and will be harmed by us not implementing some sort of medicare for all program cannot be understated.
     Every republican office holder is against any health care program that doesn't have a for profit quotient to it. So no republican will vote for medicare for all because they don't value human life as much as they value the bottom line. Which is the foundation of many of their other wrong ideas. They keep confusing capitalism with democracy when they should be honoring democracy at the expense of capitalism. So they are useless on this crucially important issue. Which is just another reason why I yell from the top of my lungs that no republican should ever hold office again. They are not democracy loving souls, they only love the privileges and advantages that grow their wealth. So what we must all do is ignore the idiots who would be kings when they tell us that down is up, that water is dry and that medicare for all is unachievable.

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