Monday, February 25, 2019

The republican propaganda waves of disinformation are hitting our news outlet shores (#3678)

     This is all republicans have, disinformation. They have no policies that are positive and attractive to we the American public. So all they have is to distort and lie about the democratic party. We should all know by now that the disinformation will not stop until right up to election eve. Remember the republican claim of endless reporting on the caravans of killers coming from Mexico? The day after the 2018 election there wasn't another word about it. Because it was their made up narrative to scare people into voting for them. If not trying to scare us they are lying to us about our candidates. So again, just ignore them at all costs and dismiss them with a chuckle and some facts that are a factual rebuttal to their claims.
     What we democrats have going for us is the preservation and improvement of our social programs, equality for women, addressing climate change, revamping campaign finance reform practices, keeping our air, water, ground, and food from being compromised. Along with improving educational opportunities, improving our relations with our foreign allies, destroying the for profit private prison system and all it's ancillary negative effects, raising the minimum wage to a living wage, balancing out the tax system to a fairer apportionment from poverty to wealth, Ending the gerrymandering of districts to favor what are most all republican politicians, while ending the archaic electoral college process that was supposed to protect us from mentally deficient souls like trump.
     We democrats know what life could be like under a democratic majority political administration and the thought of it far outweighs the petty attacks and lies coming from the now diseased and dying republican party. The republicans will have time and the wealthy's cash on their hands before the next election so their relentless attack on our democracy will not stop. So in lieu of that we must make sure we are reminded of what we will have when we all stick together and vote republicans out of office. We won't be a seamless party without arguments within but we are still on the same page as to what progress and fairness look like. Whether we can take a great stride forward or just a few steps at a time will be our mission to solve once we have put down the republican opposition to modernizing our nation along the lines of our creativity, innovation and humanity.

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