Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Beto rivaled trump (#3665)

     Beto O'Rourke having a counter protest against trump in El Paso yesterday exemplifies not only the majority of us who are against the wall but that a sitting appointed president couldn't outperform a private citizen in terms of supporters for their dueling rallies. In fact the consensus is that Beto had a larger gathering than trump. However the numbers are parsed in who supports whom, the fact that there is even question is a telling sign that trump is playing with less than a full deck of cards if he thinks he is popular with his wall demand. The delusion of trump continues however evidenced by his inability to understand that funding for his vanity wall is a no go.
     All of this is a precursor to the 2020 elections where we democrats have already fielded nearly 10 viable candidates for president while the trumps and their republican acolytes are working hard to deny any other republican from running a primary challenge against trump. The difference in how each political party operates is crystal clear in that we democrats are all about inclusion and the republican party is all about exclusion. It isn't just politics where this is evident. As the trumps court the right wing fanatics of misogyny and racism while enacting laws that whet their appetites to support trumps while denying social services and constitutional protections for those who choose to be who and what they are that isn't in line with the republican agenda.
     The knee jerk republican party is now wholly owned by trump and his democratic societal extermination policies. That Beto was able to show that the trump carnival barking attraction was neither an indicator of momentum toward his wall's approval but that the opposite is actually true. So thanks Beto for making the time to lead a counter protest that was more in line with the majority of America than letting the trumps have a clear field to once again distort the reality of the moment. The more we show that trump is a windbag full of excremental effluvium the more we secure our own future toward democratic ideals and away from the authoritarian nature of the narcissistic trump.

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