Thursday, February 28, 2019

Our rising blue wave... (#3681)

     I am not surprised seeing these articles lately trying to scare us by saying that trump will win in 2020. It is if by some magic trick everything has changed since the election of 2018, I am not buying it. We are still angry as hell at trump and republicans and they haven't done anything to ease our anger. Instead they have fostered even greater anger within us for their continuing attacks on our working middle poor class. So as I see some of my fellow democrats getting worked up over these articles I try to remind them that the disinformation campaign is all republicans have. They have not reached out to us to turn back from the forced policies on us and in fact the policies they have pushed forward against us are coming around to show us that we were not only correct in protesting against them but they are worse for us than what we imagined, take the wealthy tax cut law for example,
     After yesterday's cohen congressional testimony it seems even less likely now that trump will have any real chance to gain or be once again appointed to the presidency. As the congressional investigations continue the worse case scenario for trumps and their conspirators begins to become more likely than not. So as we earnestly start into the 2020 presidential campaign our spirits have to be lifted and made to know that the era of trumps is about to close for good. I still suggest we pay little attention to those who caterwaul for trump as their shrillness is mind numbing. Instead focus on the positives we are building through already introduced legislation and future legislation coming from democrats in our new majority in the house.
      Surely there will be more articles coming forward that will somehow try to gain some legitimacy however the fact that trump and his acolytes are being outed as criminally motivated it will be a long stretch by any objective journalist to find much good for America through trumps. Our blue wave from 2018 is still riding high and no amount of ignoring it will change it's destination come 2020. The senate and the presidency will move to we democrats and the house will remain our foundation as we move further into the future. The era of republican control of our national narrative and future standing in the world is about to end and the only real noise I hear from the trumps and the republican party is their death cry!

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