Sunday, May 31, 2020

156 days until the election (#4138)

     The trumps are using the protests to undermine democracy. Not only that they are purposely infiltrating the protests to incite them while blaming the protesters for the acts of violence they are perpetrating. So what must be done to reverse this? Either catch the infiltrators and expose them or stop protesting and giving the trumps the cover they need to dishonor our democracy. This is the last day of May so we cannot use the ballot box yet to end this national shame so outsmarting the trumps is our only course of action for now. Which shouldn't be too hard except that there is so much anger out there in our communities, especially communities of color that outsmarting them isn't the only option.
     Yet if we don't keep our cool and control the devious trumps they will make us out the villain. So calming down on our part is our best option. We can still protest but not at night when the trumps are best at their skulduggery. We can also set the trumps up by filming property being destroyed and the culprits doing it. This time is hard for those of us who love democracy and despise hatred. But it is what it is and if we aren't careful in what we do going forward the trumps will make the most of it. What has to be done is remove trumps from office in November but until then we must protect our blue wave election and actually grow it even more. It will take reservation on our part which is wise when dealing with thugs like the trumps.
     156 days until the election and every day is crucial in that we give no rest to them and their cruel brutish agenda. We must not relent our pressure on them nor give them an avenue of escape. We have them where we want them now and we cannot afford to let our emotions move us from our political advantage. The trumps are looking to cause chaos within our legitimate protestations so we have to be smarter than them and give them no platform to disguise themselves as us and destroy. The trumps only know one thing and they know it well and that is a mean spirited life style. So hopefully today and tonight our part in their framing of us will backfire like much of what they are all about.

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