Wednesday, May 27, 2020

160 days until the election (#4134)

     Okay, the end of another block of 10 days. Now there are 16 blocks of 10 days left of trump's cruel appointed presidency. This is so bittersweet in that it is bitter because we have to endure him for 160 days until he loses the coming election and sweet because we only have to endure him for 160 more days until he loses the election. The double edged sword as a symbol. So yesterday trump began being fact checked by twitter and the rejoicing from all of us was heard. It has been far too long for twitter not to have been fact checking him since he first began his appointed presidential tweeting but better late than never is always preferable to no fact checking at all.
     So naturally we all knew he would not take kindly to being corrected in his large boiling pot of ignorance so of course he lashed out and threatened all of social media to stop fact checking him. He doesn't prove he was correct he just wants no one to dare challenge his opinion of what facts are. Well I can only laugh because otherwise I would want to do something far worse so I just shake my head and move on. Given the penchant of trump he will find the next new shiny thing that comes his way and then screw that up as well as has been his modus operandi.
     He is also crying foul about probable restrictions on the republican convention attendance held in a state, North Carolina, where the governor is a democrat. Because unlike most of his lackey red state republican governors, there is a real plan to halt the spread of the Covid-19 virus in North Carolina. So don't be surprised if one of the near by red states ends up hosting the republican convention instead where trump has an easier time controlling the attendance at his cult rally convention. Nothing much more to report other than a million other important things but I do try to keep these blog posts to around 250 words a post.

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