Monday, May 18, 2020

We have no sports to distract us from trumps (#4125)

     What trump has done that is unprecedented is he has allowed for things to get so bad that we cannot find may things to distract us from his cruel policies. By allowing this virus to catch on here in America before responding to it's threat all major sporting events have been cancelled. So no baseball during the summer months to entertain our hopes for our teams chances of winning a pennant. No off season preparations for our football teams both pro and college to organize their rosters for next season. No NBA playoffs to determine an basketball league champion. Same with Hockey.
     Plus all the other myriad college sports championships that fill the gaps between seasons for the major sports leagues. None of this is available because trump decided that the virus coming to America wasn't important enough to protect against. What trump and his republican cohorts have done to us is worthy of an anger unrivaled. Now my position is that we take that anger with us to the polls in November and vote trump and his republican stooges out of office. Then we will deal with them as needed after the elections and a new federal and states administrations are in place. Because a reckoning is coming but for now we must wait out the final 169 days until the election.
     One good thing about having fewer distractions is the attention now given to politics. More than a good thing actually a necessary thing. If we are to get past the gerrymandering, false information coming from fox "news", and the appointed president's bully pulpit, and I mean bully, we need to be aware of what not only he is doing but what he could be doing and is not doing. This stupefying experiment with a hustler conman as president must end and those who kept him in office when he could have and should have been thrown out of office during impeachment should also pay a heavy price for their collusion.

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