Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Marking time... (#4120)

     Every new day I need to tell myself that there is more here to learn and come to grips with but underlying it all is the profound sense that nothing really matters until November 3rd. Yet deep down I know that everything still matters and I need to position myself within all that is going on but technically I am just marking time. Even my outrage is tempered. I cannot for the life of me get any angrier than I already am. Nor can I be surprised by what trumps and his republican party are capable of. What really hurts though is seeing still naive younger folks thinking trump is doing good.
     I get it that the less intellectual among us who have clung hard to god would somehow find trump appealing, yet that is still hard for me to grasp, but young folks? C'mon man! Still there are not that many and so I can live with the idea that some are just going to be fooled and that is how it is. But each day as I gather my waking thoughts, life is just about did trump expire during the night and if not then how many more days until the election. I would gladly forfeit all these some 170 some days left until November 3rd. if it meant tomorrow was November 3rd. I find it hard to be pleased with each new day when nothing but trump and his assholeness is the topic of the day.
     So time it is that I mark and although I eat, breathe, and sleep I cannot wait, and I mean I cannot wait until this time for trump is done. It will be done despite each new waning of our blue wave and then another day comes along and reinforces the strength of our blue wave. Like a roller coaster it will be and I don't like roller coasters any more. but as long as I keep waking up each new day I know that this time of perpetual anguish and anger is coming to an end. Marking time until trump is more a bad memory and even lesser a reality.

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