Monday, May 25, 2020

162 days until the election (#4132)

     I sort of like what I am doing here in the last 162 days of trump's removal. I think of it like this, every 10 days he clicks down another notch. So in 2 days he will only have 16 sets of 10 days left. That makes it easier for me to feel the end of his reign coming very shortly. He really is in the last throes of his appointed presidency and the glee I feel about that cannot be contained. Yet I know that he will be an asshole for the time left and there is no surprise there. One good thing though is that there will be another stimulus package passed into law sooner than later so he will be doing something good that we democrats have forced upon him.
     Now I know that many think that there will be no more stimulus but with over 42 million registered folks currently unemployed it is ridiculous that the republican party can stand to do nothing much longer. Already there are rumblings from vulnerable republican senators to get moving on a stimulus package because they know that they cannot expect a chance to keep their seats if the republican party is the reason for so many millions suffering economic disaster. I figure within a few weeks trump will be signing into law a new program to help the American working middle poor class because even he knows he has no chance at all without getting help to us.
     There is little time left for trump to be destroying our democracy although he is still trying to get more of his judges appointed and his never ending firing of Inspector Generals. Although there is less we can do about the judges the Inspector Generals issue can be corrected once he is out of office. There will be much for trump to answer for when his time in his appointed office is done and I personally cannot wait to see him come to his just deserves. But we are not there yet and the time left for us to keep building our blue wave is a higher priority for now. The countdown to trump being ousted is dwindling and I for one am just enough very happy about that.

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