Saturday, May 23, 2020

164 days until the election (#4130)

     Another day down and one less day to count. I have been living on 24 hour cycles for a while now and it is uncomfortable. But I know that in about 5 1/2 months I will be able to begin to live from moment to moment without thinking about what next disaster trump and his republican cabal will pound down on our heads. It will be a renewing of my spirit at the end of this trump era and not a moment too soon. I am weary, as are all the rest of us who have been fighting back against all that trump and his republican mess throw at us. But it is the weariness that reminds me and others that it is worth it to stand up to the corruption and cruelty that trump exemplifies.
     I may be ready for one long uninterrupted sleep when this is all over but that is my prize for the future and not for now. I must keep the vigil on combating the never ending onslaught from the worst human being ever appointed to be president. His republican party is as guilty as well and should suffer the same fate as he when the voting time comes. There will be time to rectify and justify further criminal proceedings after the democratic majorities and president take their offices but for now just know that it is coming and it won't be merciful and accommodating. There is a time to make an example of behavior that is beyond outlandish and with trumps the time is right for it.
     So not only after the vote in the general election will we be a happier nation but we will also get to feel the justice thrust upon trump that is so well deserved by him and those whom colluded with him. A refreshing of our pride and honor is on the horizon and it is what we have been fighting so hard to reclaim. Our nation is primed to getting back on the world stage as a leader of good and great causes and that it is only 164 days from beginning is getting more and more exciting. The first days of trump being our appointed president were like a hellscape unimaginable and now with the bulk of his terror behind us a bright future is just around the corner, 164 days is not very long indeed.

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