Friday, May 8, 2020

America has 2 economies, one for the wealthy and one for the rest of us (#4115)

     With the official count now at 20.5 million jobs lost in April the Dow Jones is having a very good day. It is strange to me as I look at the Dow rising in profits while the tens of millions of Americans are not working. This is what I mean by the 2 economies. The Federal Reserve under orders from trump has been loaning large corporations trillions of dollars at no to negative interest while the main streeters like the vast majority of us here in America are being squeezed. After an initial paltry stimulus check, that many have not even received yet, the republicans in control are now denying any more help for main street.
     Instead the republican strategy is to tell the American working middle poor class that they need to get back to work in direct contradiction to what health care officials are saying about the Covid-19 future rates of infection. So as wall street gets the easy help it needs to keep on profiting, main street gets a kick in the ass and a demand that they get to work or else starve. I wish I were embellishing here but the facts are that I am not. The republican party has restricted social services so much now that the choice to either go back to work or have no governmental help is obviously coercion in the first degree.
     There will be a cost paid for by our working middle poor class in deaths that should not have happened and the cost to those whom caused this choice is yet to be determined. There will be no punishment for republicans if we don't vote them out of office in the coming election so to make sure that republicans are held to account for their inhumane behavior they must be defeated at the voting booth. It will be then and only then that we can break the stranglehold of the wealthy who use the republican party to perfect their economy while making sure our economy is always beholden to them.

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