Tuesday, May 26, 2020

161 days until the election (#4133)

     Yesterday was supposed to be about honoring our dead from wars from our nations history. Yet to trump it was about him claiming to have sacrificed much for our nation. Sure he laid a wreath and acted the part of concerned appointed president but his lack of understanding what he was actually doing was exposed when he whined about himself instead. Nothing new here about his behavior as it is well documented that he believes we all owe him a never ending debt of gratitude and obedience. His ego driven mind is not one where compassion and humility exist, instead his mind is full of what is his best interest.
     Well I could live with all that yesterday as he didn't do anything through executive order or firing needed personnel to make our lives more a living hell. His trashing other different party politicians and generally invoking his vile thoughts to us is normal and I will take that every day for the time being. What he has in store for us today however may not be as tame. Yet that bridge will be crossed in tomorrow's post. All I care about is that we survived another day of the quickly receding trump appointed presidency. 161 days left of his obnoxious and cruel existence in our White House, plus his lame duck time of 78 days before Joe Biden is sworn in as our 46th president.
     What is also lifting to my spirit, another month, May, is about to get behind us and that 31 day block will soon be over. Does it seem to you that keeping count like I am is satisfying to me? Well it is because I was counting way back when trump was first declared the appointed leader in waiting, November 8th 2016, 1,295 days ago, and it seemed like an impossible feat to survive his occupation which will be 1,456 days (11-08-16 to 11-03-20) until he is declared the loser. Well the time is not long anymore and the end is quite clear to me now and that is why I am cautiously optimistic that I and those like me will survive the trump debacle. With the senate now clearly looking like a lean democrat scenario, I am smiling just a little bit more.

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