Wednesday, May 20, 2020

167 days until we have a new president (#4127)

     I suppose now is as good a time to begin a countdown here on my blog. I write mostly about the crap trump keeps shoveling on we the American working middle poor class so why not begin the final countdown now? I mean I could have waited until like 10 days before the election but I cannot stand trump for another second so waiting that long to count him voted out is too excruciating even for me. I am a tolerant one for the most part but my tolerance for trump vanished just a few days after he was appointed. I had held out some hope that he would change his spots and be a better man after he was given the presidency but no, he didn't.
     It was a long shot anyway because I was so gut punched by his unlikely appointment that I was hoping for a miracle and the miracle was not to be. Not only has he been the vain glory hound that he was known for but he is even worse. His disdain for those whom he had a chance to help is overwhelming. He not only hates regular folks like us but he wants to punish us just for being alive. I guess my countdown idea is fueled by the world meter that is trying to count the Covid-19 infections and deaths. Keeping a pulse on the matter, this matter, that is so prioritized as the most crucial election of our lives is an imperative. So starting now and until the end of me or the end of trump I will give a daily account of how trump is the worst of who we are.
     The bright side is that in 167 days we will have a new president in waiting. Not until January 20, 2021 will we finally be rid of trump. All of his children as well as his bottom of the barrel associates. I can only imagine that the Senate as well will have new democratic leadership in the form of a majority along with a continued majority in the House. In 167 days we will finally be back to correcting the horrible fate 2016 wrought upon us. The worst of our populace will have to go back to dwelling under rocks with their slimy hatred and ignorance. The sun will shine on the backs of all we who have been trodden down by trump and it will be a nice warm feeling being in a country that no longer is the laughingstock of the world.

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