Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Facts and truths, this isn't that hard! (#4119)

     I am really disgusted with the way too many people are so prone to just ignoring what is correct and obvious. Not only ignoring, they seem to be able to accept their own irrational facts and truths. I, many years ago, gave up trying to talk in a logical way with them because despite it all they will not give up their irrational conclusions. So instead of frustrating myself I just keep moving information that is valid forward and ignore their attacks on it. The old you can lead a horse to water but you can't make them drink saw applies. What is most deflating is that as they choose to ignore reality it is reality that still guides.
     Much like with the current virus pandemic. Too many who choose not to believe logic are putting not only themselves at risk but the many of us who have intermediate contact with them. Their families and friends as well are at risk. There is an obstinacy to their thinking that just doesn't allow for anything other than their own narratives to penetrate the fog of their irrational thinking. As well there are national figures who perpetuate the myths that have encaptured them and like another old saw there is safety in numbers, which ironically in the case of this virus is the exact opposite.
     The prejudices and biases of our past, inculcated to our cores, have not allowed for the weak of mind to escape the clutches of ignorance. Religion, gender, and racial myths are the culprit and to our great disadvantage are not any time soon exposed to corrective critical analysis by our citizenry on whole. There are those who prefer the ways of antiquity because it allays their fears without having to face and conquer those very same fears. We are an amazing species together but apart we are the epitome of self destruction for no good reason. Time will tell our legacy but right now time is critical if we are going to survive our own undoing.

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