Thursday, May 7, 2020

trump fudging the numbers (#4114)

     trumps latest trick to make himself not look like a monster, one of several tricks he uses, is to redefine who had died from the Covid-19 virus and who didn't. Because if he can change the cause of death he can then lessen his responsibility for the deaths. Now I say lessen his responsibility with some sarcasm as trump never takes responsibility for anything that doesn't put him in some good light. Yet he knows that with the election just a handful of months away he has to maintain some semblance of mastery over the deadly virus. Too little though in that even if he is able to change the total count of deaths away from the virus, people will keep dying because he refuses to admit that this virus is out of control.
     For the most part anyway his unpopularity is baked in and there is little to nothing he can do about it although he thinks he can. For the last 3 1/2 years we have been suffering under his appointed presidency and there is no last minute respite he can leverage to sway us away from voting him out on November 3, 2020. He is toast so the only thing he can accomplish here is maybe a lessening of the total wipe out he will endure on election day and maybe a lessening of his legacy as the worst president in American history. I doubt it though because he may try like all get out to change the cause of death from the virus but he won't be successful.
     We all know what is happening and any whitewashing he may try is going to fail because to the victors go the spoils so to say and when trump is defeated badly this November we will begin to set the record straight about his appointed presidency. His tricks to remain in office will play out but will also fail and he will be treated with the contempt he deserves for all the mess he has made. So despite any fudging of the numbers his due will come. Like I have already said here, his unpopularity is baked in and there is no scenario where he can reverse the utter contempt the way too many of us have toward his appointed presidency.

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