Thursday, May 14, 2020

This time ignorance will mean death (#4121)

     People who defy logic and common sense are usually not in danger of losing their lives but in this current climate of ignorance many will. Those who refuse to understand the nature of this latest virus are putting themselves at risk because they will not get past their own sense of invincibility. As with the ridiculous ruling in Wisconsin yesterday where the State Supreme Court, a majority 4 republican justices, decided that the democratic governor's order to keep the state shut down was unconstitutional.
     Well the partisanship here is thick and with this defiant and illogical ruling many in Wisconsin will get an a real first hand experience with the deadly virus. That these folks now think that they are not at risk mostly because of this ruling, is the culprit. Not only blame goes to the 4 republican state court justices bur on the citizens who refuse to understand the science. The Darwinian effect is about to lay claim to many of them as they go out into public without protecting themselves from each other. Their sense of security is not valid regardless of the 4 republican ruling. Like with the movie, The Poseidon Adventure, many chose not to go up to the bottom of the ship when it capsized and then they paid with their lives, such is a moment now in Wisconsin.
     I sit back in my chair here in California and wish that Wisconsin had a state government and judicial system like ours here where we democrats for the most part understand that this virus is an extinction level event and treat it as such. There is pressure everywhere to reopen our society so that the economy won't implode but that pressure is from those who have much to lose financially not so much in threats to their own lives. We can survive this pandemic without killing ourselves over the temporary suspension of our economy. We need to wait it out and get better prepared with tests and a cure. Otherwise we are just making sure more of us will die for reasons other than logic and common sense.

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