Sunday, May 10, 2020

America is in real crisis with no real leader (#4117)

     We have leaders who are not our national leader but they can only do so much. Our national leader is a failure at not only being a smart forward thinking leader but he is a failure at being human. He is clueless and like a deer in the headlights, has no idea what to do. This Covid-19 pandemic is not a drill, it is the real deal and could likely wipe a large proportion of our population out of existence without a plan to combat it. Hoping it will go away like trump is bent on doing is not going to do anything helpful and surely will not stop the virus.
     Thinking like trump, who believes the virus will go away on it's own is beyond foolish while being reckless and grave. Other countries have shown that combating the virus as a real enemy of our species is the proper approach. For we here in America to be doing less than that is only inviting the inevitable unnecessary loss of life. That being said there is another aspect of our failed leadership during this crisis, our economy. Over 40 million Americans are now unemployed and many million others are underemployed. Yet our failed national leadership from republicans has no plan to assuage those who are in dire straights other than to force them back into a worse position of gambling with their very lives by going back to work prematurely.
     There are 177 days until our next national election but it might as well be a million years given the deathly nature of this mostly unchecked virus. There are not enough tests being given to our citizenry to be able to understand our next steps effectively while there is no cure for now and maybe not for some long period of time to come. So living with trump as our failed leader is compounding the nature of defending against a most deadly foe. If we Americans survive this time it will be nothing short of a miracle. Unless somehow trump and republicans can be pushed to act as mature adults and help the many rest of us fight this disease with intelligence and mercy we are all going to find the next 6 months more a living hell than a pursuit of happiness.

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