Saturday, May 30, 2020

157 days until the election (#4137)

     A night of restlessness was what we had across the country with some extracurricular activities into destruction of property and life. Many people gathered in cities around the country to protest in what can only be called a defiant way. Standing up to authority with courage is not common and last night we saw some courage from our citizenry. I am not anti-police but I am pro-democracy and the killings of people of color under the color of law is not democratic. So as the protests are fomenting the understanding from otherwise civil people can be all over the place. The anger that has been built up over centuries is now beginning to overflow. I understand this and support all my decent human being friends who want the end of our unequal social order.
     The resistance from republicans and many of the wealthy is an abomination. It sickens me that those of us who want our democratic society to work for all have to fight against those republicans and wealthy who only want their advantages and privileges to continue. I have no doubt that our collective conscious of a better world for all will win out but in the struggle that we have to have because republicans and many of the wealthy are not in line with us, defiance becomes necessary. We must beat back the selfishness and greed that underpins our opponents and then vanquish them from all political leadership. There is no good republican politician who stands for the working middle poor class. I will say that again. There is no good republican politician who stands for the working middle poor class.
     As such we must not let republican politicians and many of the wealthy off the hook with compromise to our principles. There are many democratic candidates waiting for their turn to lead and given the chance will show our nation just how well building our society around democratic principles without advantages and privileges can really be. No one is asking for a free lunch here just equal footing and the chance to pursue happiness without being shackled at the start. None of us is any better than another when we begin together. The separation in our ambition and drives occurs after we have all started out together. Our creativity and work ethic is how we define who we are not the color of our skin or the gender of our species.

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