Saturday, May 2, 2020

The arrogant tiny minority (#4109)

     The right wing nuts in America supported by wealthy right wing nut billionaires are making a little bit of noise and all of a sudden everyone is grasping their ankles! Bullshit! Fuck those little assholes who want to keep spreading the virus. Let them catch it and then let's hear them complain about not wearing a mask or gloves! I am sick and tired of the stupid here in America who cannot tell a rational thought from the shit that comes out of their asses! There are 10,000 times more of us who know that sheltering and distancing is the proper procedure during a pandemic when tests are limited and no cure is to be found.
     The wealthy media seems to want to push the narrative that opening up our nation to the commerce as usual is a choice. It isn't a choice if we want to keep from getting infected. The only reason they would want to open way too early is that they don't like the stimulus money being given to the working middle poor class. Oh they love getting it themselves but not for the rest of us. So instead they are trying to force the hands of those in power to do their bidding instead of following the logical path. We must not let the wealthy nor their media types to influence what we know is the correct pathway to follow. If it means giving the working middle poor class more stimulus or increasing unemployment benefits then so be it, Not forcing workers back into a deathly working environment.
     So when the media follows those idiots out protesting to make our society unsafe quit covering them and writing about some positive spin on their side of it. Because their side of it is a gamble with death when no gamble is needed to win out against the virus. These are not two sides of the same coin here. They are advocating death for profit because they don't like giving money to us while we try to end the virus. The real pull of wills is in this and we will see who wins out, government for the people or government for the wealthy. I would like to think we the people will win out but I know that with trump and republicans in charge it will be difficult for us to win against the brutal profit makers.

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