Sunday, May 24, 2020

163 days until the election (#4131)

     The one silver lining of having trump playing golf yesterday is that his attention was focused on cheating the golf course, not the American people. Not much of a silver lining but we will take any relief from his cruel appointed presidency. The hypocrisy though of him playing golf yesterday as the death count here in America is about to pass over 100,000 is that when President Obama was in office and oversaw the Ebola virus pandemic 2 Americans died on American soil. Which is tragic enough for sure but in comparison to trump who has let nearly 100,000 Americans die on American soil, his lambasting of President Obama back then pales in comparison to his own leadership now.
     But as we have learned many times about trump, he says not to do what he does with a fervor. The old saw of "do as I say and not as I do" comes to mind. So in the meantime he can go distract himself as much as possible because we the American people are really very worn out from his rubbing us the wrong way. Let him play golf every day left of his appointed presidency while we mark the time for his appointment to end. I would rather hear him brag about how he beat the golf course on every swing than hear him brag about how he beat down our American working middle poor class again and again.
     With 163 days left until the election trump must be getting the message that he will be a lame duck after November 3rd. So if he is at all the least bit aware, he should be getting in as many rounds of golf as he can because when he is finally out of our White House he will find that prison doesn't have golf courses. There is no scenario I can think of where trump is not convicted of numerous crimes with no time in lockup as his due. There is usually some dispensation for criminal like people who hold high office but in trump's case there will be no dispensation nor mercy. He has earned his coming due and for all that we stand for as a democracy his actions and behaviors need a reckoning that is justified and permanent.

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