Friday, May 22, 2020

165 days until the election (#4129)

     I almost wrote 365 days until the election when it is only 165 days. I suppose my early morning mind was stuck on the idea of 365 days in a year. How utterly mind wandering I was a few seconds ago. I have been saying for more than the last 1000 days how much I was looking forward to the next election. I can also assume it is my age showing and my mind slipping from reality even if for only a second or two. But catch it I did and then the horrible concept of me losing my footing in this war to replace trump slapped me back into instant reality. Nothing in life is more important than to replace trump on election day and there can be no slip ups along the way.
     It may sound alarming of me to say it but I, and most all others, are already living every day in the harsh reality of trump. So me being hard on myself and all others is not extraordinary, it is an imperative. A cold slap in the face is how we each need to start our days going forward just so we don't become immune to the daily trump debacle that he perpetrates upon us. He is trying to normalize his cruel and brutish behavior so that instead of him modifying his behavior back to respect and civility he is trying to modify our attitudes toward his contemptible and dishonest practices. Well not in my lifetime will he be allowed to do this to us beyond the next election when he will be replaced and adjudged.
     So 5 1/2 months from now the reckoning trump so well deserves is coming and all of us need to be as sharp as a razor's edge to make sure that not only is he replaced but his cronies everywhere are replaced as well. The republican party has done it's best to destroy the hopes and dreams of we the American middle poor class and we have long since his appointment been ready to stop the madness. Although we may be like me this morning, someone who slightly loses a second or two of focus, it is not helpful if we want to make sure that our democracy survives the current threat that republicans pose to it. Be like the focused Carl, not the momentarily lapsed Carl. :)

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