Saturday, May 9, 2020

Find a cure and keep providing stimulus (#4116)

     The great challenge of our time is right now in discovering a cure for Covid-19 regardless of what idiocy is coming out of the trump's mouth. The virus will not just go away so making sure we put all our effort into researching a cure is critical. At the same time we need to stimulate the economy by paying our citizens stimulus cash so that they can maintain their lives as we mostly isolate from gathering together. 20 million and more have filed for unemployment insurance this last April making it the worst month for unemployment in the history of our nation by far. These folks need more than the paltry sums given by unemployment if they are to remain viable.
     There are a couple of proposals out there by democrats to supplement working middle poor class folks but republicans are being obstinate toward the idea. The republican party as a whole thinks that the working middle poor class is a bunch of lazy assholes who don't need help if they would just put themselves at great risk and go back out to work in a virus infected economy. Well that is not the solution as these poor folks who are forced back into danger will likely end up with the virus and become sick or death statistics instead of workers back on the payrolls. But republicans don't care as long as they can play god with other people's lives.
     Back to reality. Finding a cure is priority number one but a close second priority is to influx our society with monthly stimulus payments so that our citizens have a means to exist without unnecessarily putting themselves in harms way. The republican party has no qualms at all providing relief to wall street and that is okay as long as main street is taken care of as well. But republicans don't want to include main street and that is the problem. One cannot exist in success without the other so even as the prejudice and biases of republicanism are exposed they still cannot see their own illogic. The time for finding a cure is forever right now until we do and the time for providing monthly stimulus payments to our citizens is right now as well.

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