Saturday, December 2, 2023

(#5417) Russia is in trouble!

      So the wives of the soldiers who are dying in Ukraine have finally found their voice. It seems that they are starting an uprising within Russian society that is worrying to the kremlin and putin. Even so much so that Russia is now offering money to those who are prone to protest. Paying off some folk who are in desperate straits may work for a while but many more of those who are without their husbands and fathers to their children are not going to be impressed with the Russian authorities attempts to silence them by bribing them. This may be the real impetus to undermining putin and his murderous cabal.
     The news at the front, although filled with propaganda controlled by putin, is still not encouraging. Instead of boasting of great victories the kremlin is forced to downplay losses instead. Losing in Ukraine along with dissent at home putin and the kremlin are under tremendous pressure to keep control over the Russian society they have constricted. The boiling point with the Russian populace has not gotten hot enough yet but this new wrinkle of wives protesting is one that may well be too much for the notorious Russian imperialists to squelch. Leaving a whole generation of Russian children with no fathers is maybe the bridge too far putin did not anticipate.
     More than 331,000 Russian troops have died in Ukraine to date since 2022 with many more to come. How many more fatherless children will the Russian wives allow? Bread and butter issues have always been the key factors in keeping a society intact but eliminating those who normally provide bread and butter to their families is about as close it gets to being the same. The unrest in Russia with the deaths of so many husbands to young wives is getting really palpable. The pressures on putin and the kremlin are only surmounting and the boiling point is about to be reached. How much longer will the Russian people allow their nation to be decimated in blood and treasure?

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