Tuesday, December 12, 2023

(#5427) Are you scared of republicans enough to bow down to them?

      The time for fighting for democracy is right now! So what will it be? Will we all fight to keep our democracy or will too many of us fall down on our knees and beg for the republicans not to be too harsh on us in our new role as servants? I will never be a servant to a cruel master nor serve one who has taken away my liberties. But that is me how about you? If you are still in denial about this then you are not even able to decide which course of action to take and will have the course chosen for you when you finally figure it out. But then it will be too late and your plans that were more important than protecting your democracy will be for naught!
     America is now at the point where it is either put up and fight for democracy or shut up and accept that democracy is being taken away. There is no sitting on the fence or sitting this fight out for any of us. The time to decide is today and the decision must be final. Because the forces that would take democracy from us are building up a war chest of collusion, coercion, and confusion that will inundate us to the point of bringing chaos instead of peace. So we each have to look to our own inner self and find out if we are a brave people or a cowardly people. The moment of truth is here so don't be caught not knowing what you are willing to fight for.
     This call of mine is not a drill. It is not a howl into the night. It is real and a clarion call that is much like the ride of Paul Revere. Prepare to fight or prepare to cower. Your choice! I will fight and I ask that if you are afraid of what republicans will do to you if they somehow win then use that to stir your emotions toward an anger at them which will push you past your own personal fear. Find yourself on the correct side of protecting democracy from the worst of what humans can become. Only democracy has all of our interests at heart so help us protect that heart and stand up and give the republican party the middle finger!

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