Sunday, December 10, 2023

(#5425) We need more private funding to help Ukraine

      Since the republican party is holding the Ukrainian aid package to their own agenda then it is time for the private sector billionaires and the rest of us to step up and defend democracy against putin. All billionaires in America are thus because of democracy so them paying forward their appreciation is needed. Keeping democracy for all of us is what got them their ability to succeed financially in life. So them defending democracy where it is being attacked is what fighting to protect democracy is all about. Life has given them an opportunity to be bigger than themselves and actually do good with their gotten gains.
     The republican party has taken hostage the Ukrainian aid just so you know. Where the aid would immediately help Ukraine rebuff putin and actually go on the offensive is now not available. That putin knows this and is now attacking Ukraine with the expectation that the funds won't be allocated is to me a collusive act by republicans who are now aiding Russia with their tactics. The republican party knows this but is acting like they are doing a noble thing. Well border security is important but not as important as being complicit is killing Ukrainians by aiding putin. Border security can be obtained but not at the hostage taking and murdering level. Shame on republicans for this despicable political tactic.
     Which is why we need another source of revenue that is not obstructed by the republican party. We democrats, independents, and even some like minded Ukrainian friendly republicans can make a start at gathering a donation to Ukraine that would likely help to offset the hoped for public aid that republicans are now forbidding. Playing politics with people's lives doesn't seem to faze the republican party because they are so hardened to uncaring for lives in jeopardy. The republicans sit back in their comfort and safety and through denying aid to Ukraine effectively accept losses of life that need not be for their inaction. The republican party is the worst of what people can become and a hypocritical stain on the democracy that they otherwise enjoy!

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