Monday, December 11, 2023

(#5426) My processing unit, my brain, is still functioning

      I have posted about this several times over the years and it hasn't changed because it is about how I absorb information. I am sure as I get further into age my physical body, especially my brain, will falter to lower levels of cognition but for now the gears of my mind are oiled and humming. My five basic senses are my probes into existence and bring me information on a constant basis. As this information is accumulated I apply my logical sequencing to it. Reason, analyze, and conclude. Now that is for current information and long term memory information at the same time. Being able to understand the difference between short term knowledge and its long term consequences is an imperative for a more complex foresight.
     Much like there is a past, present, and future, the rationale for knowing what will happen in the future is often found in our present and past. This chain of linkage is not absolute but in most cases they are. So it is with information. What we learned in the past and now in the present will often dictate what our futures will look like. At least in theory. Our minds are amazing but not full proof. Which is the genesis for us not being an omnipotent species. In lieu of that I and many before me find that a continual gathering of information to envelope into our knowledge bases is critical to our own further understanding of this existence and our future in it.
     Like the two Voyager probes, we humans are on a path toward information gathering. I like to think of us as biological probes who are also the mission control. We adapt to circumstances that obstruct or try to shape our destiny's with maneuvers that continue the mission we have for our own discoveries. As long as we still have the faculty of our minds in good order we are on an flight path that is adept at keeping us moving in our preferred direction. Most likely none of us has the real time to achieve our furthest out goals but like all things in a time centered life it is the journey much like with the Voyagers that is important. We go until we cannot go any further and then we commit our information to the rest of existence so that someone else can benefit from it.

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