Monday, December 4, 2023

(#5419) More Russian soldiers are surrendering

      The meat waves in Avdiivka Ukraine is having an effect on the morale of the Russian soldiers. The leader of Russia, putin, has told his generals in the kremlin that he wants Avdiivka taken before his next election in March 2024. So there are basically 3 months for his demand that Avdiivka be taken before his election which is secured anyway because cheating is allowed in Russian voting. Why meat waves are needed is because the defense of Avdiivka is so strong that the surrounding areas of it are littered with devastation. So little in the way of armored support is available.
     So according to putin's reckoning sending in a what seems like to him an unlimited supply of soldiers to overwhelm the Ukrainian positions is his strategy. Therefore meat waves, much like cannon fodder, is the destiny of too many Russian soldiers. So it isn't surprising that the Russian troops are not happy about an abrupt ending of their lives in their near future. So instead of following orders like rats off a cliff, the Russian soldiers are surrendering to their civilized counterparts. It is a maddening development for putin because he doesn't want any controversy leading up to his signed and sealed election. Yet that is what is happening along with the protesting wives of more than 332 thousand dead Russian soldiers in Ukraine.
     We are at the cusp of 1/3 million dead Russian soldiers with at least that many wounded as well from the fighting inside Ukraine. How much longer can the Russian society absorb these deaths among their youngest generation without repercussion? In the next few months if things stay static then we will know. Something has to give and my bet is that the mesmerizing of putin is finally going to wear off. The historical story of this time nearing the end of putin is going to be a most tragic story with Ukrainians as the heroes and the Russian people as the duped who followed their pied piper leader with an egotistical bent off the cliff of insanity.

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