Sunday, December 3, 2023

(#5418) What putin is doing is turning Russia into a factory farm

      As of this morning over 332,000 Russian soldiers have died in Ukraine. What is clearly apparent is that despite these enormous losses of Russian lives the battleground has stayed static. Since winter conditions are now setting in on the frontline in Ukrainian territory the usage of heavy equipment by Russia is not feasible in most offensive operations. So what does Russia do? He orders the infantry into battle with little to no artillery or mechanized support. So Ukrainian defenses are tasked with a simple response to these offensives by Russia, simply destroy these Russian infantry advances. 
     The killing fields of what are described as "meat waves" of Russian soldiers is becoming so commonplace now that 1000 of them a day are dying is the new normal. I know Russia is a big country but when their leaders are allowing the slaughter of their young men to happen with little benefit the vast supply of young men available is dwindling. So what is the response from putin about this reality? He wants Russian women to have about 8 births apiece. He thinks that the Russian women should be like chickens laying eggs everyday for putin to scramble into an assault omelet.
     Think about this for a moment. I entitled this post with the term factory farm included. Because in a factory farm the owner takes his property, livestock, and makes it recreate to grow it for his purpose. Well putin telling Russian women to have more babies for him to manipulate is the same concept. Russia is becoming putin's property for him to manipulate however he sees fit. The Russia people for their part are part of this psychosis of putin as they seem to favor his continued failed invasion of Ukraine and the wholesale loss of their sons and husbands. We shall see how putins latest gambit of turning Russia into an incubator for mass destruction goes and if the Russian women finally say enough of this demented tyrant and his lust for power at their expense.

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