Thursday, December 28, 2023

(#5443) Ukraine bleeds while republicans show indifference!

      This particular instance of republican intransigence while Ukraine is fighting for their lives is one of the most horrible instances of republican indifference. I am ashamed that they are backed by too many American citizens who have somehow forgotten the good that democracy brings. Ukraine is fighting against a tyrant in order to install a democratic government for themselves. You would normally think that a democratic nation like ourselves would be on the side of those who also want to choose democracy. But not in this case. The republican party has seen fit to help Russia, who is not a democracy, against Ukraine that is fighting to become a democracy.
     Some one tell me how a political party like the republicans in the world's greatest democracy is failing to stand up for a new burgeoning democracy that is pleading for their help. I cannot fathom the reason even though republicans scoff and say the money isn't worth it. What good will money be when our own democracy comes under attack because we fail to help secure democracy around the world? How do the republican accountants square the cost of losing our own democracy to what little in relative terms Ukraine is asking for? How can an individual with any human decency not understand that helping our friends against our common enemy is the correct thing to always do?
     Instead the republican party is purposefully aiding Russia to help them defeat Ukraine. I don't know any other logical way to spin the truth of this that is not an outright lie! The American republican party has lost it's identity and is now supporting our enemies instead of our friends. For those who still will not accept the fact of this post by me then you are also a putin ally. How has this happened that too many American republican citizens support the tyrant and his regime of oppression when they should be supporting the Ukrainian effort to establish their democracy. This time in history will be a baffling one that jeopardises our own democracy for what? So putin can be a world tyrant? I just don't get how American republicans can support those whom our foreparents fought so hard to defeat!

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