Thursday, December 7, 2023

(#5422) Republicans voted against democracy in the Senate yesterday

      I know how politics works and that a no vote yesterday may well be a yes vote tomorrow given some changes in other areas of the bill. This is how politics works in our current form. Yet it is undeniable that the republican party has taken it to another level. This isn't just about getting extra security at the border that is needed it is about reshaping border policy to deny immigration to a class of people. It is the extreme view of republicans and their concepts for a white America that are at the core of their demands. Reducing democracy as a price for saving it is about as low as you can go but we expect that from republicans and their self privileged point of view.
     Another attempt to include some border security measures will be offered by democrats in the next few days but the republicans will still likely find a way to say no to a yes. The most inept politicians who have ever been voted into office on the republican side are about to destroy their one talking point going into the 2024 election. They are all about border security in their drummed up narrative and when they get a result from Joe Biden to alleviate many border concerns they are again likely to say no or just be able to pass the Ukraine foreign aid bill into law. Either way it will look to all voters that republicans got what they needed to relieve the border crisis and then said no.
     I think of a petulant child when I think of republicans. They make demands and then won't accept movement toward their demands. In the 2024 election they will be ousted from any majority in Congress plus they will lose more state house majorities. So in the meantime they will do what they can to fester and destroy any attempts to process necessary politics. The worst of the republicans in the House is not all the republicans so if a deal can be struck in the Senate for the Ukrainian aid along with among other things border security measures then the bill may pass in the House with a few not insane republicans and all democrats. We shall see but the republicans will rue the day if eventually they kill Ukrainian aid and border security come November 5th 2024.

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