Sunday, August 30, 2020

65 days left until the election (#4229)

      65 days left until we finally relieve our national burden of cruelty and manipulation. the cruel part pretty much needs no explanation. Just look at what he is doing to we the working middle poor class. The manipulation part is a bit more subtle but not by much. The payroll tax cut from wages earned is one of the subtle manipulations. He cuts that little bit that is taken out of earned paychecks for the worker to keep and instead of paying into that workers social security and medicare the worker gets that money now. But what happens to social security and medicare if it isn't funded anymore? It dies. The manipulation part is the one where trump promises that it won't have to be paid back if he is elected.
     So instead of voting for Joe Biden, who will restore the social security tax to paychecks, workers are enticed into voting for trump so that they never have to pay back this year's small deferred social security taxes next year. See how trump did that? Yet no matter how clever he tries to be in offering table scraps to the American worker for their permission to end social security and medicare it won't work. I know that Joe Biden won't let the American worker hang by trump's petard. Something will be worked out that will allow workers to keep this years social security tax deferment while still keeping social security and medicare solvent under a Biden administration.
     That trump is trying to pull this dirty political trick this close to the election shows just how desperate he is by every little attempt to undermine our democracy. Because once we democrats get back the White House and the whole of Congress the funding of high priority necessaries will be legislated. There won't be a republican obstruction that can stop our march to end economic, racial and gender inequality. The trumps know this so that is why they are even trying to engage the working middle poor class now even though they ignored us for all of his previous administration. The trumps are coming to a political end and that is happening in a very soon moment.

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