Monday, August 3, 2020

92 days left until the election (#4202)

     Some illogically argue to stop the $600 being paid to workers to stay home above the minimal amount they receive in regular unemployment. It is equal to about $15 an hour for a 40 hour work week. Which is paltry when historically considering how poor our working middle class is. But a bigger concern for me is the demand by republicans that employers be given a pass on violating worker rights. Which they will do if given immunity from virus related offences. Nothing that republicans are offering is aimed at helping the working middle poor class so don't ever expect them to understand the desperate plight the majority of Americans are in. The republican party did little to stop this pandemic and now want the working middle poor class to pay for their incompetency.
     It is my hope that Nancy Pelosi and the democratic leadership will not give into the republican demands to further destroy what is left our our working class. I would rather we suffer a bit longer in holding out than to agree to a bill that let's employers harm our workers and gives the workers less chance to stay our of harms way as to the virus. I will accept whatever the democratic leadership decides because I know they have the bigger picture in mind. Yet republicans will pay a price for not negotiating in good faith if we don't acquiesce to their demands. The election is coming and they need to pretend to care about us at this pivotal moment.
     Otherwise republicans will face such a slaughter on election day that their gambit now will seem like a real lousy outcome. I expect that within the next few days the dam will break on the republican side as more republican candidates up for reelection in battleground districts and states see the writing on the wall if they don't help the working middle poor class. It is a hard thing right now for the those of us who are desperate and may become willing to accept breadcrumbs instead of the whole loaf. But now is the time to fight for all we can get to not only secure us from the danger of the virus but to advance our society toward caring for it's people regardless of the republican mindset that they are our masters.

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