Tuesday, August 11, 2020

84 days left until the election (#4210)

      Well now just a dozen weeks left, 12 weeks, not a bakers dozen. Highly important distinction as we need no more extra seconds of trump. 12 weeks is really nothing to go through normally but it will be hard with trump. Yet with 12 weeks, it is now down to his last gasp desperation. There is little we don't already know or suspect about him so he is a known, much less than decent, quantity. He fooled many last general presidential election just because he was an outsider blaming the insiders for all our troubles. But not now! He is the ultimate insider and without a doubt the real blame for all our troubles. The narrative last time against Clinton was a pack of lies, this time it is a pack of truths against trump.
     Another great difference than 4 years ago is the undecided's left for the taking. There are very few and the dynamics of that undecided group is much different. 4 years ago that group was white and middle aged. This time it is people of diverse color who are mostly younger. As well the group is much smaller than last time so if trump thinks he has a chance with them he would be misinformed. He will get some of them but less than half by a lot. With Biden already leading with many of the groups necessary to win the late breakers that helped trump squeak out an electorally appointed nod in 2016 will not do that for him this time.
     So what is left for trump if late breaking undecided's are not his hole card? Well he is in deep trouble. If he doesn't somehow in the last 12 weeks change the narrative so violently that we are all considering voting for him he cannot prevail. Given that he has baked in opposition so opposed to him that no scenario of change will give him our vote he has little to no chance of changing the narrative to his favor. He has harmed the may of us so many times that any attempt to placate us will be seen for what it is, a strategy, nothing more. With 12 weeks left, each day I become that much more confidant that his non empathetic conman routine will be the last of him in our political lives.

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